Injury Free Day has taught Wendouree kids about bicycle safety
Students at Wendouree Children’s Services Kindergarten got a crash course in bike safety as part of Injury Free Day on October 18. 
KIDS Foundation education manager Nicholas Van Der Molen said the session will set up positive cycling habits for the future. 
“(The kids) were able to articulate what they knew about being safe on a bike, such as wearing a helmet and having both hands on the handlebars,” Mr Van Der Molen said.
“Their brains are still developing, so it’s a great age to share the message about safety and instill the ability to make safe choices.”
The initiative run by the KIDS Foundation aims to reduce childhood injury rates.
A 10-year review by Injury Prevention estimated 1300 children are hospitalised each week in Australia due to preventable injuries. 

KIDS Foundation education consultant Michelle McCahon said it was important not to bubble wrap kids, but give them the skills to take calculated risks. 
“Kids will always take chances, but we want them to think situations through.”
To read the article online follow the link below.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

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