SeeMore Safety is an Injury Prevention program designed to equip the next generation with experiences to empower them to build self-worth, wellbeing, resilience, relationships and friendships that allows them to become responsible risk takers. 
It is evidence based and supports children to develop their Safety Risk Intelligence (SRI) through a range of SeeMore Safety resources that educate them about safety, hazards and risks.
With so many children having access to our resources it is important for the KIDS Foundation to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of the SeeMore Safety Program.  To measure this effectiveness we conduct the SRI test on a cross section of children exposed to the SeeMore Safety Program. 
Before beginning the SRI testing, watch our short video.
If you would like to be part of our research program or have any questions please contact us

SeeMore Safety is an Injury Prevention program designed to equip the next generation with experiences to empower them to build self-worth, wellbeing, resilience, relationships and friendships that allows them to become responsible risk takers. 
It is evidence based and supports children to develop their Safety Risk Intelligence (SRI) through a range of SeeMore Safety resources that educate them about safety, hazards and risks.
With so many children having access to our resources it is important for the KIDS Foundation to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of the SeeMore Safety Program.  To measure this effectiveness we conduct the SRI test on a cross section of children exposed to the SeeMore Safety Program. 
Before beginning the SRI testing, watch our short video.
If you would like to be part of our research program or have any questions please contact us

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